― Mark Twain
When an average nationalist walks into a gathering of men and women, he/she has the right to believe that it should be a convention of men and women of high intelligence and decorum. Moreso, when they are convened in a supposed "hallowed chambers". If the hallowed chambers in question is that of the National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, then the man/woman's believe is totally wrong.
The National Assembly (subsequently shortened to "NASS" in this text) is, by my own judgement, the filthiest convention of Nigerian people. A gathering of men and women whose candidacy first of all was due to his/her geo-political inclination and whose election would probably not stand the thorough test of a free and fair poll. #OurNASS consists of Nigerians who claim to serve constituencies they have never been to. The NASS consists of Nigerians who have spent important periods of their plenary to, by themselves, downgrade the level of the supposed "hallowed chambers", to the mediocre level of engaging in fisticuffs. The NASS has proven itself to be a gathering of a few proportion of Nigerians who have ultimately decided to legislate on how much more they should earn, instead of discussing and proferring solutions, constitutionally, to important National issues.
All I want to do is Ask Why???!!!!
Why have Our NASS decided to legislate so much funds to the running of their arm of government when the average Nigerian feeds on about a dollar per day? Why have they decided to turn deaf ears to the people who "voted" them into power? Why should the internal problems of a political party be topmost on it's agenda, when the future generation of the country is rotting away in their homes? Thomas Jefferson said "The purpose of government is to enable the people of a nation to live in safety and happiness. Government exists for the interests of the governed, not for the governors." Our NASS have obviously begged to differ.
In all these, I think the most worrisome of all is that the people are afraid to question their leaders. Mr Alan Moore said "People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people." If I may ask, have we the people pushed our voices loud enough to make the government fear us? I attribute the brazenness of the government to the sheer ignorance and gentility of the Nigerian populace. Edward Murrow rightly said that "A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves" and that is exactly what we are experiencing in our dear country Nigeria.
The problems, inadequacies and short-comings of our NASS have always been well publicized and analyzed by some of us who are just too bothered to keep quiet, but its time to seek for the change we so rightly deserve. Following the dictates of the Holy Bible which says "Ask, and ye shall receive", Let us Ask #OurNASS today!!!!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.
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